First Day of School…Done!

At the end of the day, I couldn’t believe that it was really me…my life. First day of school was so smooth. I was waiting for the proverbial next shoe to drop…but what shoe? The day was over…and it went well.

I took a deep breath the night before and a little advise from this very helpful article and cracked open a new school year. After reading Debbie Zeichner’s piece, I remembered that my little sea critters already have an affinity to list making and that checking things off kind of makes them happy. Why not swim with that flow?

And so it went. Lunches were thoughtfully packed (by the kids themselves, might I add) and ready the night before, we all got our requisite zillion hours of sleep, and rise and shine went off without a hitch. In keeping with Zeichner’s instructions, partway through the morning I asked how they were doing with their lists (as opposed to frantically ordering them to get on with the next task). And yes, they were doing well…smooth sailing for sure!

The quiet peace of our early morning evolved into controlled madness at Sea Pony’s elementary school. As we drove into the drop-off area, we were greeted by the festive and upbeat sounds of the local high school band and dancers. It was incredible! A performance just to welcome our kids back to school! Everyone was all but dancing into their classrooms that morning. Clearly the best first day of school ever!

When asked about their day at pick-up, they both gave rave reviews. Perfect. Awesome. The carpool worked out. Piano lessons went swell. Dinner. Bath. Bed. Could it have been that easy?

It was that day. Thank. God.

I know it will not always be that way. The novelty will wear off. Tomorrow will bring a different challenge, a different struggle. For now, I’m just grateful that nothing bad happened.

Here’s to a great new year!

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